Party gaming on the Nintendo Wii has arrived in the form of Wii Sports and it’s definitely loads of fun. […]
Publisher THQ, known for its strength in the wrestling game market, recently announced that it has acquired the complete video […]
WoW fans have been frothing at the mouth with all new content released in the latest expansion, Burning Crusade. Could […] plans to offer free parental notification software. Parents will be able to use the software, named “Zephyr,” to find […]
New hardware releases helped the Australian games industry reach a sales high of $925 million in 2006.
The development of future titles in the Guitar Hero franchise looks set be taken on by Neversoft, after a recent […]
Global revenue from music downloaded onto computers and mobile phones doubled to about 2.0 billion dollars in 2006, an international […]
Although Microsoft recently touted the 100 millionth installation of Internet Explorer 7, Web measurement firms said that the new browser […]
Intel’s researchers have produced an 80-core chip that uses less energy than a quad-core processor and has teraflop performance capabilities.
Australia’s inaugural GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expo has extended its early bird booking initiative until February 15, and announced a special […]
Microsoft and Nintendo were scrambling for the top position in Christmas 2006. With Sony languishing in the shadows till March […]
The Sundance Film Festival has struck a deal with Apple to allow festival films to be sold through its iTunes […]