Inspect-a-Gadget – Logitech Alto Cordless Notebook Stand and Keyboard

Inspect-a-Gadget – Logitech Alto Cordless Notebook Stand and Keyboard

If you spend a lot of time using a notebook you’d be familiar with the typer’s lament… wrist fatigue… Here’s a tip to help you beat those RSI blues – invest in a Notebook Stand.
Logitech’s Alto Cordless Notebook Stand elevates your notebook’s display to allow better viewing of the screen.

Logitech Alto Cordless Keyboard Notebbook Stand RRP $249

Inspect-a-Gadget – Logitech Alto Cordless Notebook Stand and Keyboard

If you spend a lot of time using a notebook you’d be familiar with the typer’s lament… wrist fatigue… Here’s a tip to help you beat those RSI blues – invest in a Notebook Stand.
Logitech’s Alto Cordless Notebook Stand elevates your notebook’s display to allow better viewing of the screen.

Logitech Alto Cordless Keyboard Notebbook Stand RRP $249