Harvey Norman – Xbox Kinect

In the motion gaming sector, the difference between Kinect for Xbox 360, Nintendo’s Wii and Playstation’s Move, is that with Kinect your body is the controller.

In the motion gaming sector, the difference between Kinect for Xbox 360, Nintendo’s Wii and Playstation’s Move, is that with Kinect your body is the controller.

The Kinect sensor features full body 3D motion capture, gesture and facial recognition. Voice recognition will also be available soon in Australia. Once the motorized, infrared, light-based sensor is in place under the TV, you’re ready to surf the menu, called Kinect Hub.

Like Tom Cruises’s character, John Anderton, in Minority Report, you just slide your hand to the right and left, or even just wave, which takes you through all the new oversized Xbox 360 multimedia icons. Kinect lets you access all your media with no controls at all.

As for the games, there is something truly sci fi about interacting with a game in full motion capture. The package comes with Kinect Adventures, a game to become familiar with how responsive Kinect can be to your movements.

To embrace the technology of Kinect, you have to experience the body scans, which are used not only in games like Your Shape, which becomes totally customised to your body. Your customised Avatar is designed to become a key part of the Xbox Live experience, communicating via Kinect video.